National Housing Expert Team - 2010/present

The national Housing Expert Team advises municipalities on their housing plans. My interest and expertise: how is a construction economy organised from the bottom up? With a fair chance for a multitude of initiatives and a mix of clientship. From the Expert team, I am available to advise on these forms of development. Depending on the local issues, six months after an administrative 'go' the land can be for sale. This is fast compared to regular tender and tendering procedures.

Self-construction creates a multitude of housing forms such as small(er) homes, housing cooperatives, multi-generation homes, entrepreneurial homes, etc. The aim of this project is to develop a new and more sustainable way of living for people with disabilities. Types of housing for which there is little room in the current development and zoning plans. A first experiment in Amsterdam shows that the housing cooperative is an affordable and realistic alternative through self-construction.


Broadcast AWToday 29 August, 2018, report: Caroline van den Heuvel, editors: Henriette van Rijsingen (video opens in a new window).

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