Construction out fron under the shadow - 2002
As part of the parliamentary inquiry into building fraud (2002) - better known as the Survey on Building Fraud - the committee of inquiry suggested that 'when investigating the structural characteristics of the Dutch construction industry, the housing sector, and in particular the cooperative structures at Vinex locations, should also be included'. At the time, the Committee considered that the government is investing more than 3 billion euros in the Vinex locations through the Location-bound Subsidies Decree, 1.45 billion euros in land costs, 230 million euros for soil remediation, 1.5 billion euros for infrastructural projects and, in addition, is making a payment to unbalanced growing municipalities. These government contributions were intended as a lever for the development of the locations and their accessibility.
De commissie constateert onder meer dat voor gemeenten met grondposities van marktpartijen het feitelijk onontkoombaar is om met deze partijen in zee te gaan. Beperking van de mededinging lijkt in het Vinex-proces te zijn verweven in de vorm van het bouwclaimmodel. Grote <<onregelmatigheden>> in de zin van het woord als zoals door de NMa gehanteerd, zijn binnen de VINEX-woningbouw niet aangetoond. Wel zijn er onevenwichtigheden in de marktwerking en de prijs/kwaliteitsvorming binnen de structuur van het bouwclaimmodel.
Partial report from the construction industry case study (pdf download, pp. 773 t/m 826).