Klein Wonen, Small Homes - 2019
Will living small become the new normal? More than four out of every ten people will be living solo by the middle of this century. All the more reason to pay attention to small living. In 2016 BouwEXPO Tiny Housing in Almere initiated an ideas competition. Anyone could join in. The houses are an important source of inspiration for small living elsewhere: in empty spaces, as an infill, as fully-fledged new housing estates or on roofs.
Take a look inside: the winners built detached, semi-detached or stacked houses. These are all licensed. Winners who did not live there themselves found buyers or tenants.
The book documents the small homes. The creative process passes in review: from the zoning plan, prosperity to allotment plan. From land agreements, temporary use, environmental permit to the equivalence provision in the Building Decree. Read here a review published in engineering and science.